This page lists publications since 2017 from use of HPCF as well as technical reports of papers on all aspects of scientific computing and their applications. Links to preprints/reprints are provided whenever possible. Please send your submissions in PDF form to the Research Computing Administrator Group. In particular, all publications involving use of machines in HPCF are required to be submitted for inclusion here and will be flagged accordingly.
Publications for 2008-2016 can be viewed here.
[1] | Ehsan Shakeri and Matthias K. Gobbert. Strong Scalability Studies for the 2-D Poisson Equation on the Taki 2021 Cluster with Historical Comparison, Technical Report HPCF–2024–1, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2024. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [pdf] |
[2] | Aria Tauraso, G. Amalthea Trobare, Lillian G. Kidd, Jessica E. Heimann, Zeev Rosenzweig, Joseph W. Bennett. The Effects of Chlorine-Containing Species on Cinnabar: A Density Functional Theory Investigation into the Surface Adsorption Reactivity of Mercury Sulfide. Surface Science, 2024 (740), 122412. (HPCF machines used: taki) [www] |
[3] | Meghan Kwon. A Mathematical Model for Clustered Cell Migration. Senior Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2024. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [pdf] |
[4] | Olivia Zhang, Brianna Grissom, Julian Pulido, Kenia Munoz-Ordaz, Jonathan He, Mostafa Cham, Haotong Jing, Weikang Qian, Yixin Wen, and Jianwu Wang. Accurate and interpretable radar quantitative precipitation estimation with symbolic regression. Technical Report HPCF–2024–4, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2024. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [pdf] |
[5] | Michael O. Chen, Julian Hodge, Peter L. Jin, Ella Protz, Elizabeth Wong, Ruth Obe, Ehsan Shakeri, Mostafa Cham, Matthias K. Gobbert, Carlos A. Barajas, Zhuoran Jiang, Vijay R. Sharma, Lei Ren, Sina Mossahebi, Stephen W. Peterson, and Jerimy C. Polf. Using neural networks to sanitize Compton camera simulated data through the BRIDE pipeline for improving gamma imaging in proton therapy on the ada cluster. Technical Report HPCF–2024–5, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2024. (HPCF machines used: ada and taki.) [pdf] |
[6] | Olivia Zhang, Brianna Grissom, Julian Pulido, Kenia Munoz-Ordaz, Jonathan He, Mostafa Cham, Haotong Jing, Weikang Qian, Yixin Wen, and Jianwu Wang. Accurate and interpretable radar quantitative precipitation estimation with symbolic regression. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE Big Data 2024), in press (2024). (HPCF machines used: taki.) [pdf] |
[7] | Michael O. Chen, Julian Hodge, Peter L. Jin, Ella Protz, Elizabeth Wong, Ruth Obe, Ehsan Shakeri, Mostafa Cham, Matthias K. Gobbert, Carlos A. Barajas, Vijay R. Sharma, Sina Mossahebi, Lei Ren, Stephen W. Peterson, and Jerimy C. Polf. Improving Gamma Imaging in Proton Therapy by Sanitizing Compton Camera Simulated Patient Data using Neural Networks through the BRIDE Pipeline. In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE Big Data 2024), in press (2024). (HPCF machines used: taki.) [pdf] |
[8] | Binod Joshi, Thomas A. Smith, Yanhua Shih; Time transfer and clock synchronization with ghost frequency comb. Appl. Phys. Lett. 9 December 2024; 125 (24): 241105. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [pdf] |
[9] | Binod Joshi, Thomas A. Smith, and Yanhua Shih. Nontrivial intensity correlation from a coherent continuous-wave laser beam, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2024. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [pdf] |
[10] | Judd M, Wira J, Place AR, Bachvaroff T. Long-Read Sequencing Unlocks New Insights into the Amphidinium carterae Microbiome. Marine Drugs. 2024; 22(8):342. (HPCF machines used: ada)[pdf] |
[1] | Nithya Navarathna. The Power of GPUs in Machine Learning to Improve Proton Beam Therapy for Cancer Treatment. UMBC Review: Journal of Undergraduate Research, 24:51–69, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki and ada.) [www | pdf] |
[2] | Zhuoran Jiang, Jerimy C. Polf, Carlos A. Barajas, Matthias K.Gobbert, and Lei Ren. A Feasibility Study of Enhanced Prompt Gamma Imaging for Range Verification in Proton Therapy using Deep Learning. Phys. Med. Biol., 68(7):075001, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [pdf] |
[3] | Naresh Poudel, Arjun Trivedi, Parham Oveissi, Meilin Yu, Ankit Goel, and John T. Hrynuk. Learning-based Adaptive Gust Mitigation with Oscillating Wings. In AIAA Scitech 2023 Forum, AIAA 2023-0275, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[4] | Md B. Hasan, Meilin Yu, and H. Xiao. Sub-grid Scale Modeling of Meso-scale Hurricane Boundary Layer Flows using Machine Learning. In AIAA Scitech 2023 Forum, AIAA 2023-2487, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[5] | E. D. Hack, T. Pauliquevis, H. M. J. Barbosa, M. A. Yamasoe, D. Klebe, and A. L. Correia. Precipitable Water Vapor Retrievals using a Ground-based Infrared Sky Camera in Subtropical South America. In Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 1263–1278, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[6] | B. Gabrielson, M. Sun, M. A. B. S. Akhonda, V. D. Calhoun, and T. Adalı. Independent Vector Analysis with Multivariate Gaussian Model: A scalable Method by Multilinear Regression. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes, Greece, June, 5, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki.) |
[7] | H. Yang, F. Ghayem, B. Gabrielson, M. A. B. S. Akhonda, V. D. Calhoun, and T. Adalı. Constrained Independent Component Analysis Based on Entropy Bound Minimization for Subgroup Identification from Multisubject fMRI Data. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes, Greece, June, 5, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki.) |
[8] | H. Yang, T. Vu, Q. Long, V. Calhoun, and T. Adali. Identification of Homogeneous Subgroups from Resting-State fMRI Data. In Sensors, 23(6), p.3264., 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki.)[www] |
[9] | Garima Kumari. Distributed Deep Learning Techniques for Remote Sensing Applications, M.S. Thesis, Department of Information Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki and ada.) |
[10] | Charan Duggirala. Distributed GPU Computing for Deep Learning in Proton Beam Therapy for Cancer Treatment, M.S. Thesis, Department of Information Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki and ada.) |
[11] | Katherine Yi, Angelina Dewar, Tartela Tabassum, Jason Lu, Ray Chen, Homayra Alam, Omar Faruque, Sikan Li, Mathieu Morlighem, and Jianwu Wang. Evaluating Machine Learning and Statistical Models for Greenland Bed Topography, Technical Report HPCF–2023–11, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [pdf] |
[12] | Kaelen Baird, Sam Kadel, Brandt Kaufmann, Ruth Obe, Yasmin Soltani, Mostafa Cham, Matthias K. Gobbert, Carlos A. Barajas, Zhuoran Jiang, Vijay R. Sharma, Lei Ren, Stephen W. Peterson, and Jerimy C. Polf. Enhancing Real-Time Imaging for Radiotherapy: Leveraging Hyperparameter Tuning with PyTorch. Technical Report HPCF–2023–12, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki and ada.) [pdf] |
[13] | Katherine Yi, Angelina Dewar, Tartela Tabassum, Jason Lu, Ray Chen, Homayra Alam, Omar Faruque, Sikan Li, Mathieu Morlighem, and Jianwu Wang. Evaluating Machine Learning and Statistical Models for Greenland Subglacial Bed Topography. In 2023 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2023), pages 659-666, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki.)[www | pdf] |
[14] | Ruth Obe, Brandt Kaufmann, Kaelen Baird, Sam Kadel, Yasmin Soltani, Mostafa Cham, Matthias K. Gobbert, Carlos A. Barajas, Zhuoran Jiang, Vijay R. Sharma, Lei Ren, Stephen W. Peterson, and Jerimy C. Polf. Accelerating Real-Time Imaging for Radiotherapy: Leveraging Multi-GPU Training with PyTorch. In 2023 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2023), pages 1727-1734, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki and ada.) [www | pdf] |
[15] | Tagide deCarvalho, Elia Mascolo, Steven M. Caruso, Júlia López-Pérez, Kathleen Weston-Hafer, Christopher Shaffer, and Ivan Erill. Simultaneous Entry as an Adaptation to Virulence in a Novel Satellite-helper System Infecting Streptomyces Species. The ISME Journal, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[16] | Jason Ko. The Mechanistic Regulation of Pattern and Shape: A Systems Biology Approach, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki.) |
[17] | Mona Layegh and Joseph W. Bennett. A DFT Combined with Thermodynamics Exploration of Novel 2D Materials Created Using Aqueous Exfoliation, J. Phys. Chem. C., 2023 (127) 2314-2325. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[18] | Jessica E. Heimann, Zeev Rosenzweig, and Joseph W. Bennett. Understanding the Effects of Amine and Morpholine Adsorption on Unglazed Earthenware using Density Functional Theory, J. Cult. Herit., 61, 168-176, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[19] | Chari, Celia, Heimann, Jessica, Rosenzweig, Zeev, Bennett, Joseph W., and Faber, Katherine. Chemical Transformations of 2D Kaolinic Clay Mineral Surfaces from Sulfuric Acid Exposure, Langmuir, 39, 6964-6974, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[20] | Adeleke S. Ademakinwa, Zahid H. Tushar, Jianyu Zheng, Chenxi Wang, Sanjay Purushotham, Jianwu Wang, Kerry G. Meyer, Tamas Varnai, and Zhibo Zhang. Influence of cloud retrieval errors due to three dimensional radiative effects on calculations of broadband cloud radiative effect. EGUsphere, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[21] | Jianyu Zheng. Characteristics of Dust Aerosol Properties using CALIOP and Thermal Infrared Satellite Observations. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki.) |
[22] | Reetam Majumder, Qing Ji, and Nagaraj K. Neerchal. Optimal Stock Portfolio Selection with a Multivariate Hidden Markov Model. Sankhya B 85 (Suppl 1), 177–198, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www | pdf] |
[1] | Jerimy C. Polf, Carlos A. Barajas, Stephen W. Peterson, Dennis S. Mackin, Sam Beddar, Lei Ren, and Matthias K. Gobbert. Applications of Machine Learning to Improve the Clinical Viability of Compton Camera Based in vivo Range Verification in Proton Radiotherapy. Front. Phys., 10:838273, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www | pdf] |
[2] | Carlos A. Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, and Jerimy C. Polf. Deep Residual Fully Connected Neural Network Classification of Compton Camera Based Prompt Gamma Imaging for Proton Radiotherapy. Front. Phys., 11:903929, 2023. (HPCF machines used: taki and ada.) [www | pdf] |
[3] | Timothy W. Munuhe, Ruey-Hung Chen, Liang Zhu, and Ronghui Ma. Modeling molten droplet spreading and infiltration into non-isothermal thermal barrier coatings. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 182:121942, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[4] | Kan Liu, Meilin Yu, and Weidong Zhu. A high-order partitioned fluid-structure interaction framework for vortex-induced vibration simulation. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 105:321-339, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[5] | Jianyu Zheng, Zhibo Zhang, Anne Garnier, Hongbin Yu, Qianqian Song, Chenxi Wang, Philippe Dubuisson, and Claudia Di Biagio. The thermal infrared optical depth of mineral dust retrieved from integrated CALIOP and IIR observations. Remote Sensing of Environment, 270:112841, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[6] | Md Badrul Hasan, Stephen R. Guimond, Meilin Yu, Sohail Reddy, and Francis X. Giraldo. The Effects of Numerical Dissipation on Hurricane Rapid Intensification with Observational Heating. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, page 25, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www | pdf] |
[7] | Michelle Ramsahoye. Exploring Deep Fully Connected Residual Neural Networks for Initial Energy Estimations of Compton Camera Based Prompt Gamma Imaging Data for Proton Radiotherapy, Senior Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki).[pdf] |
[8] | Carlos A. Barajas. Neural Networks for the Sanitization of Compton Camera Based Prompt Gamma Imaging Data for Proton Radiotherapy, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki). |
[9] | Naresh Poudel. Aerodynamic Analysis of Stationary and Flapping Wings in Unsteady Flow Environments at Low Reynolds Numbers, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki). |
[10] | Xin Wang. Secure, Reproducible And Adaptive Machine Learning In Distributed Systems, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Information Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki). |
[11] | Jorge López González, Theodore Chapman, Kathryn Chen, Hannah Nguyen, Logan Chambers, Seraj A. M. Mostafa, Jianwu Wang, Sanjay Purushotham, Chenxi Wang, and Jia Yue. Exploring Machine Learning based Atmospheric Gravity Wave Detection, Technical Report HPCF-2022-11, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [pdf] |
[12] | Joseph Clark, Anaise Gaillard, Justin Koe, Nithya Navarathna, Daniel J. Kelly, Matthias K. Gobbert, Carlos A. Barajas, and Jerimy C. Polf. Sequence-Based Models for the Classification of Compton Camera Prompt Gamma Imaging Data for Proton Radiotherapy on the GPU Clusters Taki and Ada, Technical Report HPCF-2022-12, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki and ada.) [pdf] |
[13] | Naresh Poudel, Meilin Yu, and John T. Hrynuk. Impacts of Unsteady Flow Environments on the Propulsive Performance of Oscillating Foils. AIAA Journal, submitted (2022). (HPCF machines used: taki.) |
[14] | Jessica Heimann, Jasper Tucker, Layla Huff, Ye Rin Kim, Jood Ali, M. Kaylor Stroot, Xavier Welch, Harley White, Marcus Wilson, Cecelia Wood, Glenn Gates, Zeev Rosenzweig, and Joseph Bennett. Density Functional Theory (DFT) as a Non-Destructive Probe in the Field of Art Conservation: Small Molecule Adsorption on Aragonite Surfaces, ACS Appl. Mater. Inter., 14:13858-13871, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[15] | A. C. Khan, A. S. Cook, J. A. Leginze, and J. W. Bennett. Developing New Antiferroelectric and Ferroelectric Oxides and Chalcogenides Within the A2BX3 Family, J. Mater. Res., 37:346-359, 2022. [Special Issue Highlighting Early Career Materials Scientists 2022]. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[16] | H. Yang, M. A. B. S. Akhonda, F. Ghayem, Q. Long, V. D. Calhoun and T. Adali. Independent Vector Analysis Based Subgroup Identification from Multisubject fMRI Data. In ICASSP 2022 – 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2022, pp. 1471-1475, (doi: 10.1109/ICASSP43922.2022.9747224). (HPCF machines used: taki.) |
[17] | Isabell Lehmann, Evrim Acar, Tanuj Hasija, Mohammad Abu Baker Siddique Akhonda, Vince D. Calhoun, Peter J. Schreier, and Tulay Adali. Multi-Task fMRI Data Fusion Using IVA and PARAFAC2. In ICASSP 2022 – 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2022, pp. 1466-1470, (doi: 10.1109/ICASSP43922.2022.9747662). (HPCF machines used: taki.) |
[18] | Deepa Gupta. Brain Connectivity Biomarker Characterization by using EEG and TMS Techniques, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) |
[19] | Elia Mascolo, Satish Adhikari, Steven M. Caruso, Tagide deCarvalho, Anna Folch Salvador, Joan Serra-Sagrist`a, Ry Young, Ivan Erill, and Patrick D. Curtis. The transcriptional regulator CtrA controls gene expression in Alphaproteobacteria phages: Evidence for a lytic deferment pathway. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[20] | Joseph Clark, Anaise Gaillard, Justin Koe, Nithya Navarathna, Daniel J. Kelly, Matthias K. Gobbert, Carlos A. Barajas, and Jerimy C. Polf. Multi-Layer Recurrent Neural Networks for the Classification of Compton Camera Based Imaging Data for Proton Beam Cancer Treatment, In: 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies (BDCAT 2022), pages 213-222, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki and ada.) [pdf] |
[21] | Matthias K. Gobbert and Jianwu Wang. Team-Based Online Learning in Multidisciplinary Research and Instruction, In: The 18th International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering (FECS’22), in press (2022). (HPCF machines used: taki and ada.) [pdf] |
[22] | Leal H.B., Calheiros A.J.P., Barbosa H.M.J., Almeida A.P., Sanchez A., Vila D.A., Garcia S.R. and Macau E.E.N. Impact of Multi-Thresholds and Vector Correction for Tracking Precipitating Systems over the Amazon Basin. In Remote Sens., 14, 5408, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[23] | Barbosa C.G.G., Taylor P.E., Sá M.O., Teixeira P.R., Souza R.A.F., Albrecht R.I., Barbosa H.M.J., Sebben B., Manzi A.O., Araújo A.C., Prass M., Pöhlker C., Weber B., Andreae M.O. and Godoi, R.H.M. Identification and quantification of giant bioaerosol particles over the Amazon rainforest. In npj Clim Atmos Sci, 5, 73, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[24] | Morais F.G., Franco M.A., Palácios R., Machado L.A.T., Rizzo L.V., Barbosa H.M.J., Jorge F., Schafer J.S., Holben B.N., Landulfo E. and Artaxo P. Relationship between Land Use and Spatial Variability of Atmospheric Brown Carbon and Black Carbon Aerosols in Amazonia. In Atmosphere, 13, 1328, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[25] | Wunderling, N., W., A. Staal, B. Sakschewski, M. Hirota, O. A. Tuinenburg, J. F. Donges, H. M. J. Barbosa and R. Winkelmann. Recurrent droughts increase risk of cascading tipping events by outpacing adaptive capacities in the Amazon rainforest. In PNAS, 119 (32) e2120777119, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[26] | Wunderling, N., W., A. Staal, B. Sakschewski, M. Hirota, O. A. Tuinenburg, J. F. Donges, H. M. J. Barbosa and R. Winkelmann. WRF Sensitivity for Seasonal Climate Simulations of Precipitation Fields on the CORDEX South America Domain. In Atmosphere, 13, 107, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[27] | H. Yang, M. A. B. S. Akhonda, F. Ghayem, Q. Long, V. D. Calhoun, and T. Adali. Independent vector analysis based subgroup identification from multisubject fMRI data. In Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust., Speech, Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 1471–1475, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[28] | Silva M.T., Guerrero-Rascado J.L., Correia A.L., Gouveia D.A. and Barbosa H.M.J. On the Sensitivity of a Ground-Based Tropospheric Lidar to Aitken Mode Particles in the Upper Troposphere. In Remote Sens., 14, 4913, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[29] | Milena Ponczek, Marco A. Franco, Samara Carbone, Luciana V. Rizzo, Djacinto Monteirodos Santos, Fernando G. Morais, Alejandro Duarte, Henrique M. J. Barbosa, and Paulo Artaxo. Linking the chemical composition and optical properties of biomass burning aerosols in Amazonia. In Environmental Science: Atmospheres, 2, 252-269, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[30] | Tirth Jitendra Patel. Evaluating Malware Classifiers. Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) |
[31] | Pradyoth H. Shandilya, Shaokang Wang, and Curtis R. Menyuk. Numerical linearization algorithm for Calculating Eigenvalue spectra of lumped laser models. Optica Publishing Group, JTu4A–13, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[32] | Pradyoth H. Shandilya, Shaokang Wang, and Curtis R. Menyuk. Accurate generation Of eigenvalue spectra for lumped laser models using numerical linearization. IEEE, 2022 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC),1–2, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[33] | Ishraq Md Anjum, Ergun Simsek, Seyed Ehsan Jamali Mahabadi, Thomas F. Carruthers and Curtis R. Menyuk. Design and analysis of low bias, low phase noise photodetectors for frequency comb applications using particle Swarm Optimization. IEEE, 2022 IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP),1–4, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[34] | Jorge López González, Theodore Chapman, Kathryn Chen, Hannah Nguyen, Logan Chambers, Seraj A. M. Mostafa, Jianwu Wang, Sanjay Purushotham, Chenxi Wang, and Jia Yue. Atmospheric Gravity Wave Detection Using Transfer Learning Techniques, In: 9th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Big Data Computing, Applications and Technologies (BDCAT 2022), pages 128-137, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [pdf] |
[35] | Archana Hari. Novel systems biology methods for the analysis, optimization, and visualization of kinetic and genome-scale stoichiometric models, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) |
[36] | Stanley Ou, Jessica E. Heimann, and Joseph W. Bennett. A Density Functional Theory (DFT) Investigation of Sulfur-Based Adsorbate Interactions on Alumina and Calcite Surfaces. Clays Clay Miner, 70, 370–385, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[37] | Ryan T. Grimes and Joseph W. Bennett. Surface Transformation Thermodynamics of Alkaline Earth Carbonates using First-Principles Calculations. Surface Science, (726), 122165, 2022. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[1] | Carlos A. Barajas, Gerson C. Kroiz, Matthias K. Gobbert, and Jerimy C. Polf. Deep Learning Based Classification Methods of Compton Camera Based Prompt Gamma Imaging for Proton Radiotherapy, Technical Report HPCF–2021–1, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[2] | Rabin Mahat, Shambhu KC, Daniel Wines, Sudhir Regmi, Upama Karki, Zhong Li, Fatih Ersan, JiaYan Law, Can Ataca, Victorino Franco, Arunava Gupta, and Patrick LeClair. Influence of Cr-substitution on the structural, magnetic, electron transport, and mechanical properties of Fe3-xCrxGe Heusler alloys. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 521:167398, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[3] | Michael Daniel Lucagbo. Rectangular Statistical Regions with Applications in Laboratory Medicine and Calibration. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, May 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[4] | Reza Mousavi, Sri Harsha Konuru, and Daniel Lobo. Inference of dynamic spatial GRN models with multi-GPU evolutionary computation. Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[5] | Ryan T. Grimes, Joshua A. Leginze, Robert Zochowski, and Joseph W. Bennett. Surface transformations of lead oxides and carbonates using first-principles and thermodynamics calculations. Inorganic Chemistry, 60(2):1228-1240, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www | pdf] |
[6] | Jessica E. Heimann, Ryan T. Grimes, Zeev Rosenzweig, and Joseph W. Bennett. A density functional theory (DFT) investigation of how small molecules and atmospheric pollutants relevant to art conservation adsorb on kaolinite. Applied Clay Science, 206:106075, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www | pdf] |
[7] | Naresh Poudel, Meilin Yu, and John T. Hrynuk. Computational Study on the Effects of Unsteady Freestream on an Airfoil Performance at Low Reynolds Numbers. In AIAA Scitech 2021 Forum, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[8] | Reetam Majumder, Matthias K. Gobbert, Amita Mehta, and Nagaraj K. Neerchal. Variational Bayes estimation of hidden Markov models for daily precipitation with semi-continuous emissions, Technical Report HPCF-2021-8, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[9] | Matthias K. Gobbert and Jianwu Wang. Lessons from an Online Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Summer Research Program. In: The 17th International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science & Computer Engineering (FECS’21), in press (2021). (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[10] | Gerson C. Kroiz, Carlos A. Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, and Jerimy C. Polf. Exploring Deep Learning to Improve Compton Camera Based Prompt Gamma Image Reconstruction for Proton Radiotherapy. In: The 17th International Conference on Data Science (ICDATA’21), accepted (2021). (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[11] | Jamal Bourne Jr., Michael Hu, Eliot Kim, Peter Kruse, Skylar Lama, Sahara Ali, Yiyi Huang, and Jianwu Wang. Multi-Task Spatiotemporal Deep Learning Based Arctic Sea Ice Prediction, Technical Report HPCF-2021-11, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[12] | Alina M. Ali, David C. Lashbrooke Jr., Rodrigo Yepez-Lopez, Sokhna A. York, Carlos A. Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, and Jerimy C. Polf. Imaging Proton Radiotherapy Using a Neural Network, Technical Report HPCF-2021-12, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[13] | Jerimy C. Polf, Carlos A. Barajas, Gerson C. Kroiz, Stephen W. Peterson, Paul Maggi, Dennis S. Mackin, Sam Beddar, and Matthias K. Gobbert. A Study of the Clinical Viability of a Prototype Compton Camera for Prompt Gamma Imaging Based Proton Beam Range Verification. In: AAPM Virtual 63rd Annual Meeting, accepted abstract, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[14] | Carlos A. Barajas, Gerson C. Kroiz, Matthias K. Gobbert, and Jerimy C. Polf. Using Deep Learning to Enhance Compton Camera Based Prompt Gamma Image Reconstruction Data for Proton Radiotherapy. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 21(1):e202100236, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www | pdf] |
[15] | Reetam Majumder, Matthias K. Gobbert, and Nagaraj K. Neerchal. A Modified Minibatch Sampling Method for Parameter Estimation in Hidden Markov Models using Stochastic Variational Bayes. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 21(1):e202100203, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www | pdf] |
[16] | Jessia E. Heimann, Tory H. Williams, Joseph W. Bennett, and Zeev Rosenzweig. Baltimore SCIART: A Fully Virtual Undergraduate Research Experience at the Interface of Computational Chemistry and Art. J. Chem. Educ., 98(10):3172-3179, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www | pdf] |
[17] | Naresh Poudel, Meilin Yu, and John T. Hrynuk. Gust mitigation with an oscillating airfoil at low Reynolds number. Physics of Fluids 33(10):101905, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[18] | Aaliyah C. Khan, Autumn S. Cook, Joshua A. Leginze, and Joseph W. Bennett. Developing New Antiferroelectric and Ferroelectric Oxides and Chalcogenides within the A2BX3 Family. J. Mater. Res., 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www | pdf] |
[19] | Sokhna A. York, Alina M. Ali, David C. Lashbrooke Jr., Rodrigo Yepez-Lopez, Carlos A. Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, and Jerimy C. Polf. Promising Hyperparameter Configurations for Deep Fully Connected Neural Networks to Improve Image Reconstruction in Proton Radiotherapy, In: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data 2021), pages 5648-5657 2021. (DOI:10.1109/BigData52589.2021.9671404). (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[20] | Eliot Kim, Peter Kruse, Skylar Lama, Jamal Bourne, Michael Hu, Sahara Ali, Yiyi Huang, and Jianwu Wang. Multi-Task Deep Learning Based Spatiotemporal Arctic Sea Ice Forecasting, In: Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data 2021), pages 1847-1857, IEEE, 2021. (DOI:10.1109/BigData52589.2021.9671491). (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www | pdf] |
[21] | Carlos A. Barajas, Gerson C. Kroiz, Matthias K. Gobbert, and Jerimy C. Polf. Classification of Compton Camera Based Prompt Gamma Imaging for Proton Radiotherapy by Random Forests. The 2021 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI 2021), 4 pages, in press (2021). (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[22] | Kan Liu, Meilin Yu, and Weidong Zhu. Performance analysis of vertical axis water turbines under single-phase water and two-phase open channel flow conditions. Ocean Engineering, 238:109769, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[23] | Kan Liu, Meilin Yu, and Weidong Zhu. Fluid-structure Interaction Simulation using the High-order CFD Method with Application to Renewable Energy Harvesting. AIAA AVIATION 2021 FORUM, AIAA 2021-2840, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[24] | Jangho Lee, Yingxi Rona Shi, Changjie Cai, Pubu Ciren, Jianwu Wang, Aryya Gangopadhyay, and Zhibo Zhang. Machine Learning Based Algorithms for Global Dust Aerosol Detection from Satellite Images: Inter-Comparisons and Evaluation. Remote Sensing, 13(3):456, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[25] | Jianyu Zheng, Xin Huang, Supriya Sangondimath, Jianwu Wang, Zhibo Zhang. Efficient and Flexible Aggregation and Distribution of MODIS Atmospheric Products Based on Climate Analytics as a Service Framework. Remote Sensing, 13(17):3541, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[26] | Qianqian Song, Zhibo Zhang, Hongbin Yu, Paul Ginoux, and Jerry Shen. Global dust optical depth climatology derived from CALIOP and MODIS aerosol retrievals on decadal timescales: regional and interannual variability. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21(17):13369–13395, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www] |
[27] | Pei Guo. Scalable Multivariate Causality Discovery From Large-scale Global Spatiotemporal Climate Data. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Information Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.) |
[28] | Reetam Majumder. Hidden Markov Model for High Dimensional Data with Geostatistical Applications. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[29] | Chaoran Tu, Jonathan Hu, Curtis R. Menyuk, Thomas F. Carruthers, L. Brandon Shaw, Lynda E. Busse, and Jasbinder S. Sanghera. Optimized two-layer motheye structures for MgAl2O4 spinel ceramic windows Optica Publishing Group, 4(8):2143–2153, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki and ada.) [www] |
[1] | Jinglong Sun, Ehsan Shakeri, and Matthias K. Gobbert. Strong Scalability Studies for the 2-D and 3-D Poisson Equations on the Taki 2018 Cluster, Technical Report HPCF-2020-1, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[2] | Carlos A. Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, and Jianwu Wang. Performance Benchmarking of Data Augmentation and Deep Learning for Tornado Prediction. In: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data 2019), pages 3607-3615, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[3] | Jonathan N. Basalyga, Carlos A. Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, and Jianwu Wang. Performance Benchmarking of Parallel Hyperparameter Tuning for Deep Learning based Tornado Predictions. Big Data Research, 25:100212, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[4] | Ping Hou, Peng Wu, Pei Guo, Jianwu Wang, Aryya Gangopadhyay, and Zhibo Zhang. A Method for Mineral Dust Detection and Feature Selection with Deep Learning. In: Sixth IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP), accepted (2020). (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[5] | Rami Mowakeaa, Zois Boukouvalas, Qunfang Long, and Tulay Adali. IVA using complex multivariate GGD: application to fMRI analysis, Multidim. Syst. Sign. Process. 31:725-744, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[6] | Sergio DeSouza-Machado, L. Larrabee Strow, Howard Motteler, and Scott Hannon. kCARTA: a fast pseudo line-by-line radiative transfer algorithm with analytic Jacobians, fluxes, nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium, and scattering for the infrared, Atmos. Meas. Tech. 13, 323-339, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[7] | Rebecca J. Henry, Rodney M. Ritzel, James P. Barrett, Sarah J. Doran, Yun Jiao, Jennie B. Leach, Gregory L. Szeto, Junfang Wu, Bogdan A. Stoica, Alan I. Faden, David J. Loane. Microglial Depletion With CSF1R Inhibitor During Chronic Phase of Experimental Traumatic Brain Injury Reduces Neurodegeneration and Neurological Deficits, J. Neurosci. 40(14):2960-2974, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[8] | Carlos A. Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, and Jianwu Wang. Tornado Storm Data Synthesization using Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN). In:The 16th International Conference on Data Science (ICDATA’20), in press (2021). (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[9] | Jianwu Wang, Matthias K. Gobbert, Zhibo Zhang, and Aryya Gangopadhyay. Team-Based Online Multidisciplinary Education on Big Data + High-Performance Computing + Atmospheric Sciences. In: Hamid R. Arabnia, Leonidas Deligiannidis, Fernando G. Tinetti, and Quoc-Nam Tran, editors, Advances in Software Engineering, Education, and e-Learning, Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, Springer, pp. 43-54, 2021. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www | pdf] |
[10] | Janita Patwardhan. The Disruption of Bursting Behavior in Pancreatic Islets: A Network and Dynamical Systems Analysis of Multicellular Clusters. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, May 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[11] | Gerson C. Kroiz, Jonathan N. Basalyga, Uchendu Uchendu, Reetam Majumder, Carlos A. Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, Kel Markert, Amita Mehta, and Nagaraj K. Neerchal. Stochastic Precipitation Generation for the Potomac River Basin using Hidden Markov Models. Technical Report HPCF-2020-11, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[12] | Christine Abraham, Olivia Norman, Erick Shepherd, Jianyu Zheng, and Zhibo Zhang. Studying Anomalous Discrepancies between MODIS and CALIOP Cloud Observations. Technical Report HPCF-2020-12, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[13] | Sahara Ali, Xin Huang, Achala Wickramasuriya Denagamage, Neranga Prasadi, Jianyu Zheng, Pei Guo, and Jianwu Wang. Evaluation of Tropical Cloud Simulations between CMIP6 Models and Satellite Observations. Technical Report HPCF-2019-13, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[14] | Jonathan N. Basalyga, Gerson C. Kroiz, Carlos A. Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, Paul Maggi, and Jerimy Polf. Use of Deep Learning to Classify Compton Camera Based Prompt Gamma Imaging for Proton Radiotherapy. Technical Report HPCF-2020-14, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[15] | Kallista Angeloff, Kirana Bergstrom, Tianhao Le, Chengtao Xu, Jianyu Zheng, and Zhibo Zhang. Machine Learning for Retrieving Cloud Optical Thickness from Observed Reflectance: 3D effects. Technical Report HPCF-2020-15, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[16] | Yiyi Huang, Matthäus Kleindessner, Alexey Munishkin, Debvrat Varshney, Pei Guo, and Jianwu Wang. Benchmarking of Data-driven Causality Discovery Approaches in the Interactions of Arctic Sea Ice and Atmosphere. Technical Report HPCF-2020-16, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[17] | Julie Bessac, Ling Xu, Manzhu Yu, Pei Guo, and Aryya Gangopadhyay. Image Segmentation for Dust Detection using Unsupervised Machine Learning. Technical Report HPCF-2020-17, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[18] | Brice Coffer, Michaela J. Kubacki, Yixin Wen, Ting Zhang, Carlos Barajas, and Matthias K. Gobbert. Using Machine Learning Techniques for Supercell Tornado Prediction with Environmental Sounding Data. Technical Report HPCF-2020-18, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[19] | Carlos A. Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, and Jianwu Wang. Tornado Storm Data Synthesization using Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN): Related Works and Implementation Details. Technical Report HPCF-2020-19, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[20] | Jonathan N. Basalyga. Parallel Hyperparameter Tuning of Accuracy for Deep Learning based Tornado Predictions. Senior Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[21] | Gerson C. Kroiz. A Comparison of Stochastic Precipitation Generation Models for the Potomac River Basin. Senior Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[22] | Gerson C. Kroiz, Reetam Majumder, Matthias K.Gobbert, Nagaraj K. Neerchal, Kel Markert, and Amita Mehta. Daily Precipitation Generation using a Hidden Markov Model with Correlated Emissions for the Potomac River Basin. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 20(1):e202000117, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www | pdf] |
[23] | Gerson C. Kroiz, Alexandre Bardakoff, Timothy Blattner, and Walid Keyrouz. Study of Exploiting Coarse-Grained Parallelism in Block-Oriented Numerical Linear Algebra Routines. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 20(1):e202000089, 2020. [www | pdf] |
[24] | Jonathan N. Basalyga, Carlos A. Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, Paul Maggi, and Jerimy Polf. Deep Learning for Classification of Compton Camera Data in the Reconstruction of Proton Beams in Cancer Treatment. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 20(1):e202000070, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www | pdf] |
[25] | Brice Coffer, Michaela Kubacki, Yixin Wen, Ting Zhang, Carlos A. Barajas, and Matthias K. Gobbert. Machine Learning with Feature Importance Analysis for Tornado Prediction from Environmental Sounding Data. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), 20(1):e202000112, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www | pdf] |
[26] | Jeanice Hwang, Archana Hari, Raymond Cheng, Jeffrey G. Gardner, and Daniel Lobo. Kinetic Modeling of Microbial Growth, Enzyme Activity, and Gene Deletions: an Integrated Model of β-glucosidase Function in Cellvibrio japonicus. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 1-15, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[27] | Joseph W. Bennett. Exploring the A2BX3 Family for New Functional Materials using Crystallographic Database Mining and First-principles Calculations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 124(36):19413-19425, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[28] | Mark Jarzynski and Marc Olano. Hash Functions for GPU Rendering. Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques, accepted (2020). (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[29] | Jonathan N. Basalyga, Carlos A. Barajas, Gerson C. Kroiz, Matthias K.Gobbert, Paul Maggi, and Jerimy Polf. Improvements to the Deep Learning Classification of Compton Camera based Prompt Gamma Imaging for Proton Radiotherapy. Technical Report HPCF-2020-29, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020 (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[30] | Pei Guo, Achuna Ofonedu, and Jianwu Wang. Scalable and Hybrid Ensemble-based Causality Discovery. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Smart Data Services (SMDS 2020), accepted (2020). (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[31] | Jianwu Wang, Xin Huang, Jianyu Zheng, Chamara Rajapakshe, Savio Kay, Lakshmi Kandoor, Thomas Maxwell, and Zhibo Zhang. Scalable Aggregation Service for Satellite Remote Sensing Data. In 20th International Conference on Algorithms and Architectures for Parallel Processing (ICA3PP 2020), accepted (2020). (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[32] | Ping Hou, Peng Wu, Pei Guo, Jianwu Wang, Aryya Gangopadhyay, and Zhibo Zhang. A Deep Learning Model for Detecting Dust in Earth’s Atmosphere from Satellite Remote Sensing Data. In Sixth IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing (SMARTCOMP 2020), accepted (2020). (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[33] | Xin Huang, Sahara Ali, Sanjay Purushotham, Jianwu Wang, Chenxi Wang, and Zhibo Zhang. Deep Multi-sensor Domain Adaptation on Active and Passive Satellite Remote Sensing Data. In 1st KDD Workshop on Deep Learning for Spatiotemporal Data, Applications, and Systems (DeepSpatial 2020), accepted (2020). (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[34] | L. Larrabee Strow and Sergio DeSouza-Machado. Establishment of AIRS Climate-level Radiometric Stability using Radiance Anomaly Retrievals of Minor Gases and Sea Surface Temperature. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13(9):4619-4644, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[35] | Qunfang Long, Suchita Bhinge, Vince D. Calhoun, and Tulay Adali. Independent Vector Analysis for Common Subspace Analysis: Application to Multi-subject fMRI Data Yields Meaningful Subgroups of Schizophrenia. NeuroImage, 216:116872, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[36] | Reetam Majumder, Amita Mehta, and Nagaraj K. Neerchal. Copula-based correlation structure for multivariate emission distributions in hidden Markov models. In JSM Proceedings, Statistical Computing Section, American Statistical Association, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[37] | Jaron Kropp. Investigations of Two-dimensional Materials for Next-generation Electronic Devices. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, May 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[38] | Jaron A. Kropp, Ankit Sharma, Wenjuan Zhu, Can Ataca, and Theodosia Gougousi. Surface Defect Engineering of MoS2 for Atomic Layer Deposition of TiO2 Films. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, (2020). (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[39] | Z. Zhang, Q. Song, D. Mechem, V. Larson, J. Wang, Y. Liu, M. Witte, X. Dong, and P. Wu. Vertical dependence of horizontal variation of cloud microphysics: Observations from the ACE-ENA field campaign and implications for warm rain simulation in climate models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions, 2020:1-46, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[40] | C. Wang, S. Platnick, K. Meyer, Z. Zhang, and Y. Zhou. A machine-learning-based cloud detection and thermodynamic-phase classification algorithm using passive spectral observations. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13(5):2257{2277, 2020.(HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[41] | Chamara Rajapakshe and Zhibo Zhang. Using polarimetric observations to detect and quantify the three-dimensional radiative transfer effects in passive satellite cloud property retrievals: Theoretical framework and feasibility study. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 246:106920, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[42] | M. D. Alexandrov, D. J. Miller, C. Rajapakshe, A. Fridlind, B. van Diedenhoven, B. Cairns, A. S. Ackerman, and Z. Zhang. Vertical profiles of droplet size distributions derived from cloud-side observations by the research scanning polarimeter: Tests on simulated data. Atmospheric Research, 239:104924, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[43] | Chamara Rajapakshe. Interactions of Radiation with Aerosols and Clouds in a Three-Dimensional Atmosphere: Implications for Aerosol and Cloud Remote Sensing. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[44] | Taneeya Satyapanich, Francis Ferraro, and Tim Finin. CASIE: extracting cybersecurity event information from text. In The Thirty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Articial Intelligence, AAAI 2020, New York, NY, USA, pages 8749-8757, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[45] | Ashwinkumar Ganesan, Frank Ferraro, and Tim Oates. Locality preserving loss to align vector spaces, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[46] | Andre T. Nguyen, Luke E. Richards, Gaoussou Youssouf Kebe, Edward Raff, Kasra Darvish, Frank Ferraro, and Cynthia Matuszek. Practical cross-modal manifold alignment for grounded language, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[47] | Ankur Padia, Konstantinos Kalpakis, Francis Ferraro, and Tim Finin. Knowledge graph inference using tensor embedding. In The 17th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, accepted (2020). (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[48] | Patrick Jenkins, Rishabh Sachdeva, Gaoussou Youssouf Kebe, Padraig Higgins, Kasra Darvish, Edward Raff, Don Engel, John Winder, Francis Ferraro, and Cynthia Matuszek. Presentation and analysis of a multimodal dataset for grounded language learning, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[49] | Rajat Patel and Francis Ferraro. On the complementary nature of knowledge graph embedding, fine grain entity types, and language modeling. In EMNLP 2020 Workshop on Deep Learning Inside Out, accepted (2020). (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[50] | Mehdi Rezaee and Francis Ferraro. Event representation with sequential, semi-supervised discrete variables, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[51] | Mehdi Rezaee and Francis Ferraro. A discrete variational recurrent topic model without the reparametrization trick. In NeurIPS, accepted (2020). (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[52] | Nisha Pillai, Edward Raff, Francis Ferraro, and Cynthia Matuszek. Sampling approach matters: Active learning for robotic language acquisition. In Machine Learning for Big Data session at IEEE BigData, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[53] | Sarthak Mayur Mehta. Stratified Neural Models for Document Classication. M.S. thesis, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[54] | Rajat Patel. Jointly Learning Knowledge Graph Embeddings, Fine Grain Entity Types and Language Models. M.S. thesis, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[55] | X Chen, X. Huang, and L Strow. Near-global CFC-11 trends as observed by atmospheric infrared sounder from 2003 to 2018. Journal of Geophysical Research, accepted (2020). (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[56] | Cheng-Zhi Zou, Lihang Zhou, Lin Lin, Yong Sun, Ninghai andChen, Lawrence E. Flynn, Bin Zhang, Changyong Cao, Flavio Iturbide-Sanchez, Trevor Beck, Banghua Yan, Satya Kalluri, Yan Bai, Slawomir Blonski, Taeyoung Choi, Murty Divakarla, Yalong Gu, Xianjun Hao, Wei Li, Ding Liang, Jianguo Niu, Xi Shao, Larrabee Strow, David C. Tobin, Denis Tremblay, Sirish Uprety, Wenhui Wang, Hui Xu, Hu Yang, and Mitchell D. Goldberg. The Reprocessed Suomi NPP Satellite Observations. Remote Sensing, 12(18):2891, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[57] | Zhenglong Li, W. Paul Menzel, James Jung, Agnes Lim, Jun Li, Marco Matricardi, Manuel Lopez-Puertas, Sergio DeSouza-Machado, and L. Larrabee Strow. Improving the Understanding of CrIS Full Spectral Resolution Nonlocal Thermodynamic Equilibrium Radiances Using Spectral Correlation. Journal of Geophysical Research (Atmospheres), 125(16):e32710, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[58] | Qunfang Long. Data-driven Techniques for the Study of Brain Dynamics and Identication of Subgroups: Application to Multi-subject Resting-state fMRI Data. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[59] | Arjun Pandya, Oluwatobiloba Odunsi, Chen Liu, Alfredo Cuzzocrea, and Jianwu Wang. Adaptive and Efficient Streaming Time Series Forecasting with Lambda Architecture and Spark. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data 2020), IEEE, accepted (2020). (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[60] | Pei Guo, Achuna Ofonedu, and Jianwu Wang. Scalable and Hybrid Ensemble-Based Causality Discovery. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Smart Data Services (SMDS 2020), accepted (2020). (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[61] | Oyesh Mann Singh, Sandesh Timilsina, Bal Krishna Bal, and Anupam Joshi. Aspect Based Abusive Sentiment Detection in Nepali Social Media Texts. The 2020 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM 2020), 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[62] | Daniel Wines, Jaron A. Kropp, Gracie Chaney, Fatih Ersan, and Can Ataca. Electronic properties of bare and functionalized two-dimensional (2D) tellurene structures. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 22:6727-6737, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[63] | Han Li, Ying Qin, Bohan Shan, Yuxia Shen, Fatih Ersan, Emmanuel Soignard, Can Ataca, and Sefaattin Tongay. Unusual pressure-driven phase transformation and band renormalization in 2D vdW hybrid Lead Halide Perovskites. Advanced Materials, 32(12):1907364, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[64] | F. Ersan and C. Ataca. Janus PtXnY2-n (x, y = S, Se, Te; 0 <= n <= 2) monolayers for enhanced photocatalytic water splitting. Phys. Rev. Applied, 13:064008, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[65] | Daniel Wines, Kayahan Saritas, and Can Ataca. A first-principles quantum Monte Carlo study of two-dimensional (2D) GaSe. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 153(15):154704, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[66] | Daniel Wines, Fatih Ersan, and Can Ataca. Engineering the electronic, thermoelectric, and excitonic properties of two-dimensional Group-III Nitrides through alloying for optoelectronic devices (B1-xAlxN, Al1-xGaxN, and Ga1-xInxN). ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(41):46416-46428, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[67] | Jaron A. Kropp, Ankit Sharma, Wenjuan Zhu, Can Ataca, and Theodosia Gougousi. Surface defect engineering of MoS2 for atomic layer deposition of TiO2 films. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12(42):48150-48160, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[68] | R. Mahat, Shambhu KC, D. Wines, F. Ersan, S. Regmi, U. Karki, R. White, C. Ataca, P. Padhan, A. Gupta, and P. LeClair. Tuneable structure and magnetic properties in Fe3-xVxGe alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 830:154403, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[69] | Timothy Wachira Munuhe. Investigation of CMAS infiltration into EB-PVD thermal barrier coatings. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[70] | Naresh Poudel, Lai Wang, Meilin Yu, and John T. Hrynuk. Computational Study of Flapping Wing Response to Vertical Gusts at Low Reynolds Numbers. In AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[1] | Carlos Barajas and Matthias K. Gobbert. Strong and Weak Scalability Studies for the 2-D Poisson Equation on the Taki 2018 Cluster, Technical Report HPCF-2019-1, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki). [pdf] |
[2] | Carlos Barajas and Matthias K. Gobbert. Strong and Weak Scalability Studies for the 3-D Poisson Equation on the Taki 2018 Cluster, Technical Report HPCF-2019-2, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki). [pdf] |
[3] | Seyed Ehsan Jamali Mahabadi, Shaokang Wang, Thomas F. Carruthers, Curtis R. Menyuk, Franklyn J. Quinlan, Meredith N. Hutchinson, Jason D. McKinney, and Keith J. Williams, Calculation of the impulse response and phase noise of a high-current photodetector using the drift-diffusion equations. Opt. Express, 27:3717-3730, 2019. (HPCF machines used: maya). [www | pdf] |
[4] | Ankur Padia, Konstantinos Kalpakis, Francis Ferraro, and Tim Finin. Knowledge Graph Fact Prediction Via Knowledge-Enriched Tensor Factorization. International Semantic Web Conference, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [ pdf ] |
[5] | Carlos Barajas, Pei Guo, Lipi Mukherjee, Susan Hoban, Jianwu Wang, Daeho Jin, Aryya Gangopadhyay, and Matthias K. Gobbert. Benchmarking Parallel Implementations of K-Means Cloud Type Clustering from Satellite Data.In: C. Zheng and J. Zhan (editors), Benchmarking, Measuring, and Optimizing. Bench 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11459, pp. 248-260, Springer-Verlag, 2019. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www | pdf] |
[6] | Lai Wang and Meilin Yu. A comparative study of implicit Jacobian-free Rosenbrock-Wanner, ESDIRK and BDF methods for unsteady flow simulation with high-order flux reconstruction formulations. Journal of Scientific Computing, 83:39, 2020. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www | pdf] |
[7] | Jason Ko, and Daniel Lobo. Continuous dynamic modeling of regulated cell adhesion: sorting, intercalation, and involution. Biophysical Journal, 117(11), pp. 2166-2179, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[8] | Eleni Stampouloglou, Anthony Federico, Emily Slaby, Stefano Monti, Gregory L. Szeto, and Xaralabos Varelas. Yap suppresses T cell function and infiltration in the tumor microenvironment. PLoS Biol. 18(1):1-27, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www | preprint] |
[9] | Peichang Shi, Qianqian Song, Janita Patwardhan, Zhibo Zhang, Jianwu Wang, and Aryya Gangopadhyay. A hybrid algorithm for mineral dust detection using satellite data. Proceedings of the 15th IEEE International Conference on e-Science (e-Science2019). IEEE, 39-46 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[10] | Hang Gao and Tim Oates. On finer control of information flow in LSTMs. In Michele Berlingerio, Francesco Bonchi, Thomas Gartner, Neil Hurley, and Georgiana Ifrim, editors, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases, volume 11051 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 527-540. Springer-Verlag, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[11] | Reetam Majumder, Redwan Walid, Jianyu Zheng, Carlos Barajas, Pei Guo, Chamara Rajapakshe, Aryya Gangopadhyay, Matthias K. Gobbert, Jianwu Wang, Zhibo Zhang, Kel Markert, Amita Mehta, and Nagaraj K. Neerchal. Assessing Water Budget Sensitivity to Precipitation Forcing Errors in Potomac River Basin Using the VIC Hydrologic Model. Technical Report HPCF-2019-11, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[12] | Steven Randal Hussung, Mengxi Wu, Akila Sampath, Suhail Mahmud, Pei Guo, and Jianwu Wang. Evaluation of Data-Driven Causality Discovery Approaches among Dominant Climate Modes. Technical Report HPCF-2019-12, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[13] | Charlie Becker, Will D. Mayfield, Sarah Y. Murphy, Bin Wang, Carlos Barajas, and Matthias K. Gobbert. An approach to tuning hyperparameters in parallel: A performance study using climate data. Technical Report HPCF-2019-13, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[14] | Ping Hou, Peng Wu, Pei Guo, and Aryya Gangopadhyay. Deep Learning Based Mineral Dust Detection and Feature Selection. Technical Report HPCF-2019-14, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[15] | Changjie Cai, Jangho Lee, Yingxi Rona Shi, Camille Zerfas, Pei Guo, and Zhibo Zhang. Dust Detection in Satellite Data using Convolutional Neural Networks. Technical Report HPCF-2019-15, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[16] | Ankur Padia, Konstantinos Kalpakis, Francis Ferraro, and Tim Finin. Knowledge graph fact prediction via knowledge-enriched tensor factorization. Journal of Web Semantics, in press. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[17] | Meng Gao, Peng-Wang Zhai, Bryan A. Franz, Yongxiang Hu, Kirk Knobelspiesse, P. Jeremy Werdell, Amir Ibrahim, Brian Cairns, and Alison Chase. Inversion of multiangular polarimetric measurements over open and coastal ocean waters: a joint retrieval algorithm for aerosol and water-leaving radiance properties. Atmostpheric Measurement Techniques, 12:3921-3941, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[18] | C. Wang, S. Platnick, T. Fauchez, K. Meyer, Z. Zhang, H. Iwabuchi, and B. H. Kahn. An assessment of the impacts of cloud vertical heterogeneity on global ice cloud data records from passive satellite retrievals. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124(3):1578-1595, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[19] | Z. Zhang, H. Song, P.-L. Ma, V. E. Larson, M. Wang, X. Dong, and J. Wang. Subgrid variations of the cloud water and droplet number concentration over the tropical ocean: satellite observations and implications for warm rain simulations in climate models. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 19(2):1077-1096, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[20] | Savio Sebastian Kay. Efficient Scientific Big Data Aggregation through Parallelization and Subsampling. M.S. Thesis, Department of Information Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[21] | Caroline Kery, Nisha Pillai, Cynthia Matuszek, and Francis Ferraro. Building language-agnostic grounded language learning systems. Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (Ro-Man), submitted. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[22] | Caroline Kery, Francis Ferraro, and Cynthia Matuszek. ¿Es un platano? Exploring an English language grounding system for use in multilingual settings. NAACL SpLU-RoboNLP, submitted. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[23] | Carlos Barajas, Stefan Kopecz, Andreas Meister, Bradford E. Peercy, and Matthias K. Gobbert. Simulation of calcium waves in a heart cell on modern multi-core parallel computing platforms. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), vol 19, 2 pages, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www | pdf] |
[24] | Samantha Herath, and Daniel Lobo. Cross-inhibition of Turing patterns explains the self-organized regulatory mechanism of planarian fission. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 485, 110042, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[25] | Gerson C. Kroiz, Carlos Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, and Bradford E. Peercy. Linkages of Calcium Induced Calcium Release in a Cardiomyocyte Simulated by a System of Seven Coupled Partial Differential Equations. Involve: A Journal of Mathematics, 13(3):399-424, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[26] | Carlos A. Barajas. An Approach to Tuning Hyperparameters in Parallel: A Performance Study Using Climate Data. M.S. Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[27] | Lai Wang, Matthias K. Gobbert, and Meilin Yu. A Dynamically Load-Balanced Parallel p-Adaptive Implicit High-Order Flux Reconstruction Method for Under-Resolved Turbulence Simulation. Journal of Computational Physics, 417(C), 109581, 2020. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www | pdf] |
[28] | Deepak Prakash. Benchmarking of Parallel Climate Data Aggregation in a Distributed Environment. M.S. Thesis, Department of Information Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki). |
[29] | Ketki Deshpande, Shruti Pandey, and Sukhada Deshpande. Analysis and Prediction of 911 Calls based on Location using Spark Big Data Platform. Technical Report HPCF-2019-29, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2019. (HPCF machines used: hadoop). [pdf] |
[30] | Chhaya Kulkarni, Kavitha Loganathan Sundara Rajan, and Xin Wang. Efficient Product Inventory Maintenance for Black Friday Sale via Spark Big Data System. Technical Report HPCF-2019-30, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2019. (HPCF machines used: hadoop). [pdf] |
[31] | Lai Wang. Parallel p-Adaptive Implicit High-Order Flux Reconstruction Methods for Under-Resolved Turbulent Flow Simulation. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[32] | Hua Song, Jing Tian, Jingfeng Huang, Pei Guo, Zhibo Zhang, and Jianwu Wang. Hybrid causality analysis of ENSO’s global impacts on climate variables based on data-driven analytics and climate model simulation. Frontiers in Earth Science, 7:233, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[33] | T. Satyapanich, T. Finin, and F. Ferraro. Extracting rich semantic information about cybersecurity events. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data 2019), pages 5034-5042, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[34] | Howard E. Motteler and L. Larrabee Strow. AIRS Deconvolution and the Translation of AIRS-to-CrIS Radiances With Applications for the IR Climate Record. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57(3):1793-1803, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[35] | Suchita Bhinge. Adaptive Constrained Independent Vector Analysis: Application to Large-Scale fMRI Analysis. Ph.D. thesis, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2019 (HPCF machines used: taki.). |
[35] | Erol Vatansever, Sevil Sarikurt, Fatih Ersan, Yelda Kadioglu, Olcay Üzengi Aktürk, Yusuf Yüksel, Can Ataca, Ethem Aktürk, and Ümit Akinci. Strain effects on electronic and magnetic properties of the monolayer alpha – RuCl 3: A first-principles and Monte Carlo study. Journal of Applied Physics, 125(8):083903, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[36] | Naresh Poudel, Meilin Yu, Zachary F. Smith, and John T. Hrynuk. A combined experimental and computational study of a vertical gust generator in a wind tunnel. In AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [www] |
[1] | Shaokang Wang, Thomas F. Carruthers, and Curtis R. Menyuk. Efficiently Modeling the Noise Performance of Short-Pulse Lasers with a Computational Implementation of Dynamical Methods. Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 35(10):2521-2531, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www | pdf] |
[2] | H. Song, Z. Zhang, P.-L. Ma, S. J. Ghan, and M. Wang. An Evaluation of Marine Boundary Layer Cloud Property Simulations in the Community Atmosphere Model Using Satellite Observations: Conventional Subgrid Parameterization versus CLUBB, Journal of Climate, 31(6):2299-2320, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www] |
[3] | F. Werner, Z. Zhang, G. Wind, D. J. Miller, and S. Platnick. Quantifying the Impacts of Subpixel Reflectance Variability on Cloud Optical Thickness and Effective Radius Retrievals Based On High-Resolution ASTER Observations, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres, 123(8):4239-4258, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[4] | D. J. Miller, Z. Zhang, S. Platnick, A. S. Ackerman, F. Werner, C. Cornet, and K. Knobelspiesse. Comparisons of bispectral and polarimetric retrievals of marine boundary layer cloud microphysics: case studies using a LES-satellite retrieval simulator, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11:3689-3715, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[5] | H. Song, Z. Zhang, P.-L. Ma, S. Ghan, and M. Wang. The Importance of Considering Sub-grid Cloud Variability When Using Satellite Observations to Evaluate the Cloud and Precipitation Simulations in Climate Models, Geosci. Model Dev., 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[6] | James Della-Giustina, Carlos Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, Dennis S. Mackin, and Jerimy Polf. Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Parallelization of Image Reconstruction in Proton Beam Therapy on Multi-Core and Many-Core Processors. Proceedings of the Symposium on High Performance Computing (HPC ’18), Society for Computer Simulation International (SCS), article 11, 11 pages, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www | pdf] |
[7] | F. Avraham Dilmanian, Sunil Krishnan, William E. McLaughlin, Brendan Lukaniec, Jameson T. Baker, Sandeep Ailawadi, Kara N. Hirsch, Renee F. Cattell, Rahul Roy, Joel Helfer, Kurt Kruger, Karl Spuhler, Yulun He, Ramesh Tailor, April Vassantachart, Dakota C. Heaney, Pat Zanzonico, Matthias K. Gobbert, Jonathan S. Graf, Jessica R. Nassimi, Nasrin N. Fatemi, Mark E. Schweitzer, Lev Bangiyev, and John G. Eley. Merging Orthovoltage X-Ray Minibeams spare the proximal tissues while producing a solid beam at the target. Scientific Reports, 9, 1198, 2019. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www | pdf] |
[8] | M. L. Yu, B. Wang, Z. J. Wang, and S. Farokhi. Evolution of vortex structures over flapping foils in shear flows and its impact on aerodynamic performance, Journal of Fluids and Structures, 76:116-134, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www] |
[9] | Stefan Kopecz, Andreas Meister, Bradford E. Peercy, and Matthias K. Gobbert. Parameter Identification for Calcium Release in a Heart Cell with Modified Patankar-Runge-Kutta Schemes. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM), vol. 18, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [pdf] |
[10] | Kritesh Arora, Carlos Barajas, and Matthias K. Gobbert. Parallel Performance Studies for an Elliptic Test Problem on the Stampede2 Cluster and Comparison of Networks. Technical Report HPCF-2018-10, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [pdf] |
[11] | Noah Sienkiewicz, Arjun Pandya, Tim Brown, Carlos Barajas, and Matthias K. Gobbert. Numerical Methods for Parallel Simulation of Diffusive Pollutant Transport from a Point Source, Technical Report HPCF-2018-11, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [pdf] |
[12] | Carlos Barajas, Lipi Mukherjee, Pei Guo, Susan Hoban, Daeho Jin, Aryya Gangopadhyay, and Jianwu Wang. Benchmarking parallel implementations of cloud type clustering from satellite data, Technical Report HPCF-2018-12, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [pdf] |
[13] | Peichang Shi, Qianqian Song, Janita Patwardhan, Zhibo Zhang, and Jianwu Wang. Mineral Dust Detection Using Satellite Data, Technical Report HPCF-2018-13, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [pdf] |
[14] | Hua Song, Jing Tian, Jingfeng Huang, Jianwu Wang, and Zhibo Zhang. Causality Analysis of ENSO’s Global Impacts on Climate Variables based on Data-driven Analytics and Climate Model Simulation, Technical Report HPCF-2018-14, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [pdf] |
[15] | Yunwei Cui, Meng Gao, Scott Hottovy, Chamara Rajapakshe, and Zhibo Zhang. The impacts of 3D radiative transfer effects on cloud radiative property simulations and retrievals, Technical Report HPCF-2018-15, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [pdf] |
[16] | Anna M. Kearns, John F. Malloy, Matthias K. Gobbert, Aude Thierry, Leo Joseph, Amy C. Driskell, and Kevin E. Omland. Nuclear Introns Help Unravel the Diversification History of the Australo-Pacific Petroica Robins.Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 131:48-54, 2019. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www | pdf] |
[17] | Sergio DeSouza-Machado, L. Larrabee Strow, Andrew Tangborn, Xianglei Huang, Xiuhong Chen, Xu Liu, Wan Wu, and Qiguang Yang. Single-footprint retrievals for AIRS using a fast TwoSlab cloud-representation model and the SARTA all-sky infrared radiative transfer algorithm. Atmos Meas Tech, 11(1):529–550, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www | pdf] |
[18] | Carlos Barajas and Matthias K. Gobbert. Parallel Performance Studies for an Elliptic Test Problem on the 2018 Portion of the Taki Cluster. Technical Report HPCF-2018-18, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2018. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[19] | Richard Ebadi, Carlos Barajas, and Matthias K. Gobbert. Parallel Performance Studies for a 3-D Elliptic Test Problem on the 2018 Portion of the Taki Cluster. Technical Report HPCF-2018-19, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2018. (HPCF machines used: taki.). [pdf] |
[20] | Carlos Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, Gerson C. Kroiz, and Bradford E. Peercy. Challenges and Opportunities for the Simulations of Calcium Waves on Modern Multi-Core and Many-Core Parallel Computing Platforms. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 2019;e3244, published online July 29, 2019. (HPCF machines used: taki.) [www | pdf]. |
[21] | Ankur Padia, Arpita Roy, Taneeya Satyapanich, Francis Ferraro, Shimei Pan, Youngja Park, Tim Finin, and Anupam Joshi. UMBC at SemEval-2018 Task 8: Understanding Text about Malware. Int. Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (collocated with NAACL-HLT), New Orleans, LA, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[22] | Ankur Padia, Francis Ferraro, and Tim Finin. KG Cleaner: Identifying and Correcting Errors Produced by Information Extraction Systems., 1808.04816, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.).[www] |
[23] | Ankur Padia, Francis Ferraro, and Tim Finin. SURFACE: Semantically Rich Fact Validation with Explanations., 1810.13223, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www] |
[24] | Jennifer Sleeman, Milton Halem, and Tim Finin. Ontology-Grounded Topic Modeling for Climate Science Research. Emerging Topics in Semantic Technologies, E. Demidova, A.J. Zaveri, E. Simperl (Eds.), pp. 191-202, IOS Press, 2018 (doi:10.3233/978-1-61499-894-5-191). (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www] |
[25] | Ankur Padia, Francis Ferraro, and Tim Finin. Team UMBC-FEVER: Claim verification using Semantic Lexical Resources. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Fact Extraction and Verification (with EMNLP), 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[26] | Lipi Mukherjee, Peng-Wang Zhai, Yongxiang Hu, and David M. Winker. Single scattering properties of non-spherical hydrosols modeled by spheroids. Optics Express, 26(2), 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[27] | Meng Gao, Peng-Wang Zhai, Bryan Franz, Yongxiang Hu, Kirk Knobelspiesse, P. Jeremy Werdell, Amir Ibrahim, Feng Xu, and Brian Cairns. Retrieval of aerosol properties and water-leaving reflectance from multi-angular polarimetric measurements over coastal waters. Optics Express, 26(7), 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[28] | F. Werner, Z. Zhang, G. Wind, D. J. Miller, S. Platnick, and L. Di Girolamo. Improving cloud optical property retrievals for partly cloudy pixels using coincident higher resolution single band measurements: A feasibility study using ASTER observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123(21):12,253-12,276, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[29] | Opeyemi Ajayi. Impact of cell substratum adhesion pattern and cluster spatial distribution on Staphylococcus aureus biofilm development under physiologically-relevant shear rates. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Chemical, Biochemical, and Environmental Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[30] | Zois Boukouvalas, Yuri Levin-Schwartz, Vince D. Calhoun, and Tulay Adali. Sparsity and independence: Balancing two objectives in optimization for source separation with application to fMRI analysis. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 355(4):1873-1887, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www | pdf] |
[31] | Hua Song, Jianwu Wang, Jing Tian, Jingfeng Huang, and Zhibo Zhang. Spatio-temporal climate data causality analytics: an analysis of ENSO’s global impacts. Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Climate Informatics, pages 45-48, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[32] | Sergio DeSouza-Machado, L. Larrabee Strow, Andrew Tangborn, Xianglei Huang, Xiuhong Chen, Xu Liu, Wan Wu, and Qiguang Yang, Single-footprint retrievals for AIRS using a fast TwoSlab cloud-representation model and the SARTA all-sky infrared radiative transfer algorithm, Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11, 529-550, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[33] | Naresh Poudel and Meilin Yu. Numerical Study of Flapping-Wing Flow Physics in Nonuniform Freestream Using the High-Order Spectral Difference Method on Dynamic Unstructured Grids. In 2018 Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www] |
[1] | Lai Wang, Meilin Yu, and Matthias K. Gobbert. A Parallel Performance Study of the High-order Compact Direct Flux Reconstruction Method for Conservation Laws on Maya Cluster. Technical Report HPCF-2017-1, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [pdf ] |
[2] | Ester Sesmero, Jodian A. Brown, and Ian F. Thorpe. Molecular Simulations to Delineate Functional Conformational Transitions in the HCV Polymerase. Journal of Computational Chemistry, 38:1125-1137, 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.) [www] |
[3] | Sai K. Popuri and Matthias K. Gobbert. A Comparative Evaluation of Matlab, Octave, R, and Julia on Maya. Technical Report HPCF-2017-3, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [pdf ]
[4] | Jonathan S. Graf, Matthias K. Gobbert, and Samuel Khuvis. Long-Time Simulations with Complex Code Using Multiple Nodes of Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing. J. Comput. Appl. Math., vol. 337, pp. 18-36, 2018. [pdf ] (HPCF machines used: maya.) |
[5] | Jonathan S. Graf. Parallel Performance of Numerical Simulations for Applied Partial Differential Equation Models on the Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing Processor. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[6] | Muthukumar Thevar. The Effect of K-nearest Neighbors Classifier for Intrusion Detection of Streaming Net-flows in Apache Spark Environment. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Information Systems, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[7] | Sai C. Pallaprolu, Rishi Sankineni, Muthukumar Thevar, George Karabatis, and Jianwu Wang. Zero-day Attack Identification in Streaming data using Semantics and Spark, The 6th IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigDataCongress 2017). (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www] |
[8] | Ester Seamer. Using Molecular Simulations to Explore Conformational Transitions in the Hepatitis C Virus Polymerase. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[9] | Yue Hu. Modeling Nonlinearity and Noise in High-Current Photodetectors. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[10] | Zois Boukouvalas. Development of ICA and IVA Algorithms with Application to Medical Image Analysis. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[11] | William Dula, Jason Glover, Ari Goldbloom-Helzner, Kayla M. Makela, Qing Ji, , Sai K. Popuri, Nagaraj K. Neerchal and Uri Tasch. Detecting Bovine Lameness Using Three-Dimensional Limb Movement Variable Analysis to Achieve High Sensitivity and Specificity. Technical Report HPCF-2017-11, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [pdf] |
[12] | Christian Dixon, Gabriel Martinez, Hwan Hee Park, Maddie Rainey, Sai K. Popuri, Nadeesri Wijekoon, Kofi Adragni and Jeff Raffensperger. Quantification of Variabilities of Baseflow of Watersheds. Technical Report HPCF-2017-12, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [pdf] |
[13] | Jessica Cooley, Aaron George, Zachary Mekus, Victoria Sabo, Morgan Strzegowski, Bradford E. Peercy and Michelle Starz-Gaiano. Distribution of Chemoattractants in a Heterogeneous Tissue and its Impact on Cell Cluster Migration. Technical Report HPCF-2017-13, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2017 (HPCF machines used: maya.). [pdf] |
[14] | Elise Falgout, Destiny Frett, Lorenzo Neil, Ryan Schumm, Janita Patwardhan, Bradford E. Peercy and Arthur Sherman. The Investigation of Small Worldness in Pancreatic Islets. Technical Report HPCF-2017-14, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2017 (HPCF machines used: maya.). [pdf] |
[15] | Kristen Deetz, Nygel Foster, Darius Leftwich, Chad Meyer, Shalin Patel, Carlos Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, and Zana Coulibaly. Developing the Coupling of the Mechanical to the Electrical and Calcium Systems in a Heart Cell. Technical Report HPCF-2017-15, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2017 (HPCF machines used: maya.). [pdf] |
[16] | Johnlemuel Casilag, James Della-Giustina, Elizabeth Gregorio, Aniebet Jacob, Carlos Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, Dennis S. Mackin and Jerimy Polf. Development of Fast Reconstruction Techniques for Prompt Gamma Imaging During Proton Radiotherapy. HPCF-2017-16, UMBC High Performance Computing Facility, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2017 (HPCF machines used: maya.). [pdf] |
[17] | Kristen Deetz, Nygel Foster, Darius Leftwich, Chad Meyer, Shalin Patel, Carlos Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, and Zana Coulibaly. Examining the Electrical Excitation, Calcium Signaling, and Mechanical Contraction Cycle in a Heart Cell. Spora: A Journal of Biomathematics, 3:66-85, 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www | pdf] |
[18] | James Della-Giustina, Johnlemuel Casilag, Elizabeth Gregorio, Aniebet Jacob, Carlos Barajas, Matthias K. Gobbert, Dennis S. Mackin, and Jerimy Polf, Speedup Potential for Reconstruction Techniques for Prompt Gamma Imaging During Proton Radiotherapy. American Journal on Undergraduate Research, vol. 14, iss. 4, pp. 22-37, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.) [www | pdf] |
[19] | Sai K. Popuri, Andrew M. Raim, Nagaraj K. Neerchal, and Matthias K. Gobbert. Parallelizing Computation of Expected Values in Recombinant Binomial Trees. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 88(4):657-674, 2018. (HPCF machines used: maya.) [www | pdf] |
[20] | Andrew M. Raim, Nagaraj K. Neerchal and Jorge G. Morel. An Extension of Generalized Linear Models to Finite Mixture Outcome Distributions. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya). [www] |
[21] | Jianwu Wang, Matthias K. Gobbert, Zhibo Zhang, Aryya Gangopadhyay and Glenn G. Page. Multidisciplinary Education on Big Data + HPC + Atmospheric Science. Proceedings of the Workshop on Education for High-Performance Computing (EduHPC-17), 8 pages, 2017. [pdf] |
[22] | Sai K. Popuri. Prediction Methods for Semi-continuous Data with Applications in Climate Science. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[23] | C. Rajapakshe, Z. Zhang, J. E. Yorks, H. Yu, Q. Tan, K. Meyer, S. Platnick, and D. M. Winker. Seasonally transported aerosol layers over southeast Atlantic are closer to underlying clouds than previously reported, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[24] | Daniel Miller. Satellite Simulator studies of the impacts of Cloud inhomogeneity on passive cloud remote sensing. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Physics, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
[25] | Fang Pan, Xianglei Huang, Stephen S. Leroy, Pu Lin, L. Larrabee Strow, Yi Ming, and V. Ramaswamy. The Stratospheric Changes Inferred from 10 Years of AIRS and AMSU-A Radiances. Journal of Climate, 30:6005–6016. 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www] |
[26] | Sergio De Souza-Machado, Andrew Tangborn, Philip Sura, Christopher Hepplewhite, and L. Larrabee Strow. Non-Gaussian Analysis of Observations from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder Compared with ERA and MERRA Reanalyses. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, 56:1463–1481. 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www] |
[27] | J. X. Warner, R. R. Dickerson, Z. Wei, L. L. Strow, Y. Wang, and Q. Liang. Increased atmospheric ammonia over the world’s major agricultural areas detected from space. Geophysical Research Letters, 44:2875–2884. 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www] |
[28] | Mehregan Jalalizadeh and Upal Ghosh. Analysis of Measurement Errors in Passive Sampling of Porewater PCB Concentrations under Static and Periodically Vibrated Conditions. Environmental Science and Technology, 51:7018-7027. 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www | pdf] |
[29] | Zois Boukouvalas, Yuri Levin-Schwartz, and Tulay Adali. Enhancing ICA performance by exploiting sparsity: Application to fMRI analysis. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), pages 2532-2536. IEEE, 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). [www | pdf] |
[30] | Shaokang Wang. Analysis of Stability and Noise of Passively Modelocked Comb Lasers. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2017. (HPCF machines used: maya.). |
Note: Publications for 2008-2016 can be viewed here.